Sunday 1 July 2012

L.J Smith Weeek

hey!  since im currently reading a series by L.J Smith ( The Secret Circle Series ) i thought my first blogging week should be L.J Smith's week.Her books Seem to all be paranormal . though for me i think her best is in the Vampire Section i mean it was those series that became the most popular , The Vampire Diaries & Nightworld even though night world explores more with different Creatures my favourites in the series are the ones where the Vampires take up the main role, Popular Wise her vamp books are still going, and are allways on the shelf.Though things seem to be taking Quite a turn as The Secret Circle Series becomes more and more popular  with its  theme of Witch's and Wizards.

  so i came up with a question; Are Vamps loosing their cool? Are People wanting  wands instead of Fangs ? Have the Witch's finally won?

let me know what you think!


  1. Well, can you be a vampire as well as a witch? There is a character who is just that in a book 'A Discovery of Witches' by Deborah Harkness. And that's a book you can't put down easily, another great read :)

    1. i would love that too infact one of the character's in "Strange Fate" the last book in the Night World series is a wizard and a vampire (im pretty sure anyway)!! i will keep an eye out for Deborah Harkness.. thanks for dropping by :)!!
